
AN UnExpected Path

My personal journey began nearly two decades ago…

when a business presentation coach led me to an intuitive health practitioner who fueled my fascination with unconventional modalities, metaphysics and the mind-body-spirit connection. 

For years, I had been inconvenienced (and occasionally immobilized) by pain and mild injuries that could not be entirely explained by exercise or an active lifestyle.

I saw a renowned Chiropractor weekly for back and leg pain. I’d leave my appointment feeling great and would be back in the exact same pain just 48 hours later…. with no cause or explanation.

Eventually, I grew to understand pain, utilize its messages and discover my own inner wisdom.


After leaving a comfortable job in Corporate America in 1996 to start my own business in Supply Chain and Logistics, I felt a lot of pressure to prove myself.  After a few years of missteps and pivots, Solertis gained attention for projects where our team delivered remarkable results and demonstrated an unwavering commitment to our clients’ success.

In ensuring high quality work and overseeing every project personally, I gained referrals to top Execs at Fortune 500 companies, Private Equity Firms and ambitious Start Ups.   Building credibility and trust led to more referrals as well as invitations to speak at conferences. The intensity of strategy consulting engagements and immediacy of turnarounds and operational triage led to a grueling 125,000 mile-a-year domestic travel habit.

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While racking up frequent flier miles,

I would often indulge my curiosity and visit holistic health professionals and sample new modalities.  One serendipitous encounter led to another and I landed at a weekend meditation retreat. After that relaxing and heart-opening weekend, I felt a huge sense of relief, rejuvenation and re-connection to a part of myself I had been neglecting.  More than 15 years later, I continue to maintain a daily practice.

I also found myself enrolling in metaphysical courses, studying Neuro-linguistic programming and training in the modalities that had served me best in my personal quest for Wellness. 

By 2010, I had effectively completed a decade of training with dozens of brilliant, innovative practitioners in the US, Brazil, Egypt, Morocco and Costa Rica.

With Horus and friends at the Temple of Edfu in Egypt.

With Horus and friends at the Temple of Edfu in Egypt.

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fulfillment strategies  

During a Supply Chain conference in Denver, an Executive for whom my company had done multiple consulting projects over 12 years heard about my training in these unusual modalities and asked for a session.  That client relationship seamlessly transcended Supply Chain into holistic health. This expansion was the first of many.

While continuing to run my consulting company, I found more clients asking about Wellness. In serendipitous and unanticipated ways, my passion for holistic health practices kept overlapping with my consulting role in Supply Chain.

Advising clients on “Fulfillment Strategies” was going way beyond the traditional Supply Chain into metaphysics and holistic health.


- Upledger Institute


In life there are tipping points…

and one of mine was moving from a client of Cranio-Sacral Therapy to a Practitioner.   In my own personal program for wellness, I had benefited greatly from receiving this treatment bi-weekly for two years from a wonderful practitioner in Atlanta and from other practitioners in cities to which I traveled regularly.  I knew firsthand the incredible benefits!  

In 2010, I enrolled in my first course at Upledger Institute and trained to provide CST and later, Somato Emotional Release (SER). 

As part of my training, I quietly recruited friends and family for practice sessions.  To my delight, I loved these sessions and clients derived enough benefit to return for more.    

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my OWN GOOD Health along with AN UNCONVENTIONAL approach to SELF-carE & WELLNESS

was noted by a CEO and consulting client who hired me to create a Corporate Wellness Program for 1300 employees and their family members.  Working alongside the HR staff, we contracted with providers like The Mayo Clinic, WebMD, American Heart Association and biometric screening companies to provide tools and resources benefiting employees while reducing the company’s escalating cost of healthcare.

Health Risk Assessments and Health Fairs along with “Lunch and Learn” programs and walking competitions focused the attention of employees on their health while saving the company millions of dollars. While a good step, I was looking for something more progressive.

While participating in a Summit at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, I discovered that mainstream, conventional Western medicine was embracing and offering natural, alternative and holistic modalities.

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Inside the “Mayo Clinic: Book of Alternative Medicine” were the names of therapies I had been both utilizing and studying. The book jacket has a note about using “the Best of Both Worlds.

That left me wondering… Why are businesses not proactively offering alternative and holistic modalities to support physical, mental and emotional wellbeing?


And in the meantime, how can I provide access to resources that I have found so effective?

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Mindfulness at Duke


Eight Hours of Silence…

In 2017, I trained in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction at Duke Center for Integrative Medicine. The ten-week course culminated with a Day of Mindfulness including eight hours of silence, no eye contact and no electronic devices! Quite a contrast to the loud craziness of Duke Basketball at Cameron Indoor Stadium just down the street.

 I incorporate the principles and practices of Mindfulness into my programs so you get the benefits even if you don’t have the time or desire to take a seminar… or spend eight hours in silence.

I also discovered Mindfulness, meditation and silence accelerate intuitive capabilities.

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Just Power Through it

I used to believe my biggest strength was my ability to power through anything.

Now I see that differently! Partnering with my Body, tuning into inner wisdom and practicing simple Mindfulness techniques has led me to respect the complex integration of all aspects of health - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Life itself is dynamic and evolutionary.

Simply reacting to symptoms is an outdated model. Using the body’s signals proactively and reverently and being mindful of all the interrelated aspects of health is truly powerful.

I am at my best and most effective when I’m well-rested, grounded, thinking clearly, acknowledging my feelings and living in my greatest authenticity.



Life evolves with each new experience and awareness along with validation and integration.  

That is both the fun and the challenge

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Over several decades, I have experienced, validated and integrated the benefits of inner wisdom, intuitive insights, metaphysics and basic holistic health practices.   

As measured in qualitative ways, my life satisfaction and Consciousness have expanded exponentially… as has my potential for more. 

At a physical level, I have had no health insurance claims and used no pharmaceuticals in well over a decade.

I continue to explore self-compassion, self-kindness, acceptance of my imperfections and fears in ways that my cultural, social, familial and educational conditioning would never have promoted.  

And I continue to discover new truths and capacities

If you would like to explore, let’s talk.

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My story is also available in my book:


I’m grateful to the all the wonderful and talented people who have supported me on my journey,

and I welcome the opportunity to support you on yours!